Thursday, November 5, 2015

1 Nephi 7:17

17  But it came to pass that I prayed unto the Lord, saying: O Lord, according to my faith which is in thee, wilt thou deliver me from the hands of my brethren; yea, even give me astrength that I may bburst these bands with which I am bound.
      “I prayed unto the Lord,”
            -Things are looking pretty bleak for Nephi, so what does he do?  “I prayed unto the Lord.”  It is by the simple acts/principles of the gospel that we may find peace/solace in our quite moments of anguish and in the more dramatic/overtly pressing challenges.  Nephi’s skill and ability to successfully call upon God in this situation rested/was founded upon everyday experience with prayer.
            -this is the third desperate situation we have read about regarding Nephi since the beginning of the record.  Each time he has turned to the Lord in prayer and with trust in God to lead him through the situation.  Could this be one of the keys to Nephi’s greatness?  Could this be a pattern and model that is messaged by the first section of the Book of Mormon?  This book is an instruction manual for building a character of faith and righteousness.  The first section of intense scrutiny is a case study for each of us to emulate.  The first lesson in this instruction manual:  when in difficulties and uncertainty, pray!  The second lesson directly follows from the first:  God is there and will prosper His faithful children.

       “Lord, according to my faith…, wilt thou…”
            -His petition here is in exact accordance to what he earlier preached (verse 12) to his brothers.  Not only are his actions perfectly aligned to his speech/preaching, but it is ironic that the principle that allows him to overcome the threat/power of Laman and Lemuel is exactly what he counseled them to do and which they turned their backs on and fought against.  When they would not bring themselves in accord to truth, the truth eventually subdued them and stifled their insurrection è the truth always overcomes the evil opposed to it.

       “give me strength”
            -the Lord is not against endowing with physical strength to accomplish his purposes, even if the result is heavenly assistance when violence or near violence is involved.  But notice that a prerequisite, actually the necessary forerunner, of physical strength is spiritual power, not the reverse.  Spiritual ability is so much more important than physical endurance. Nephi’s, Captain Moroni’s and the 2000 warrior’s power was founded on their spiritual uprightness, not their military drilling or physical training.
            -spiritual strength (including faith and purity) enables physical, intellectual and emotional strength.  The source of our abilities is in our spiritual being.  How spiritually fit are you?  What regimen of spiritual conditioning have you been following?  One of the purposes of mortality that could not be accomplished in the first estate is to develop spiritual strength, specifically strength that would gain fuller expression with the conditions of mortality (addition of a body, of faith and unrestricted choice, etc.).  The successful development of spiritual strength will unlock privileges and abilities that we can’t comprehend until we obtain a glorified body.  It is in mortality, however, w  We will fail to develop the spiritual capacity that is necessary for us to qualify for the activities for which we were created.  Every sin, every neglect of opportunity, every time we opt out of a potential for spiritual exercise, we are forfeiting spiritual growth.  This certainly happens when we violate commandments and engage forthright in sin but our spiritual lethargy more often takes form when we fail to do things:  when we fail to magnify our callings, when we fail to serve others, when we fail to consume the scriptures, when we fail to proactively love our neighbor, when we shrink from sacrifices.  These are the daily –frequently the small and unremarkable- calisthenics that build spiritual muscles almost imperceptively over time.
here this strength training occurs and if Satan can cause us to neglect the spiritual reality and become consumed with the physical nature of our being (our appetites, our abilities, our form, all with a priority on the reality of time) then he will preempt the reason we came into mortality and severely retard our growth.

            -with all that the  books of Nephi are to teach us –the major themes and messages- of these, one of the most important is to see the growth of Nephi.  How does he become so great?  Why does his growth exceed not only Laman and Lemuel’s but also Lehi’s?  By this point Nephi’s faith is unshaken!  His growth has been phenomenal, what has allowed this?  What are the things he has experienced?  How has he reacted?
            We should not fail to recognize that while Nephi is privileged to glorious theophany's, he has also endured (always before the sacred visitations; hence “you receive no witness until after the trial of your faith”) violent and intense trials/experiences.  For example, he has been beaten up at least twice so far.

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