8 And she spake, saying: Now I know of a surety that the Lord hath acommanded my husband to bflee into the wilderness; yea, and I also know of a surety that the Lord hath protected my sons, and delivered them out of the hands of Laban, and given them power whereby they could caccomplish the thing which the Lord hath commanded them. And after this manner of language did she speak.
“Now I know…”
-this experience became, for Sariah, an opportunity to grow and have a more sturdy testimony. Yes, her faith was weak, but if taken correctly, this trial was a manifestation to her that God was in this endeavor. This is exactly what happened through this trial –where her weakness was very evident. Her faith was enlarged and she became convinced and strong. Of course, only future trials would prove her dedication, integrity and constancy to the declaration.
-this experience is a wonderful study of how faith might develop and be strengthened. A number of questions arise:
1. can sure knowledge grow where, at one point, there was no faith?
2. when faith is absent what is the personal price to be paid?
-Sariah pays a high price for her uncertain conviction. In other words, her faith is bought at the price of pain, anxiety and heartache.
-Her faith is only made strong after it is tried and broken. The resulting witness is, even though her words at the moment are sure and valiant, not supreme or unmovable. Through more difficult trials her faith would slip in its surety and yet be made stronger (i.e. the forthcoming broken bow trial).
“give them power”
-I am extremely interesting in the reality of receiving power from the Lord. I am weak and if I am ever to do anything of consequence it will be because I am made strong, given ability and prospered from a source much more able and powerful than I. If I were to rely upon my own strength I would not only fail in a miserable way but I would look like an idiot in the process. I need to have the Lord’s empowering influence. When our ways are aligned with His, we qualify for that power. And when we are qualified and have done all that we know how to do He will prosper us so we may “accomplish the things which the Lord commanded us.”
-There are numerous and unlimited ways that we are given power. Most, I suppose, are subtle and easily overlooked –like increased mental understanding, a way opening up so that a problem that was insurmountable now has an open door- but some are rather dynamic: physical strength, outpouring of hope, etc.
Verse 8 is nothing but a restatement, a second lesson if you will, of what Nephi already said in chapter 3, verse 7. Why is this recorded for us twice? Why the reiterations? What should we learn? What are we being shown?
“whereby they could"
-these three words are essential to understanding how God works with mankind. He does not give them power that “would” guarantee accomplishment. The Lord gives just the added amount of power necessary for the accomplishment of a righteous endeavor. If Nephi had not acted, all the power in the world given him from God would not have brought about the accomplishment of their mission.